Since Fall begins tomorrow, I thought this morning the air would be “bracing’ and walking would be a delight. Instead, it was warm, humid, almost like a July day. But we await better days quite soon, and maybe the promised rain as well.
But the weather did not keep me from thinking deep thoughts (That’s the kind I think early in the morning, deep stuff). And what engaged my attention lately is the kind of speech – or is it really a Creech – that we are starting to use regularly, and without much thought. It seems to flow out of our mouth without our being conscious of what we are really saying. What really turned my mind to this was the picture on the cover of TIME magazine showing a Glenn Beck with his tongue stickling out. I understand he is the latest rage in “talk show hosts” who is heard by millions. He joins voices such as Limbaugh, Hannity, O’Reilly, among others. All tend to be opinionated, and loud.
And Shakespeare with King Lear comes to mind. He enters, carrying his dead wife in his arms, and says of her, “Her voice was ever soft, gentle, and low, an excellent thing in woman”.
James writes in the third chapter, "Not one person can tame the tongue, restless evil, full of deadly poison”. 3,8. Jesus “What goes out of the mouth comes from the heart, and that makes a person unclean. Yes, out of the heart come evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, sexual sins, stealing, lies, slander. These are the things that make a person unclean. But eating with unwashed hands does not make a person unclean”. Matthew 15, 18 – 20.
So I turned to the Proverbs, these brief and wise sayings, for what they might say of speech (These are quotes from God’s Word to the Nations). Here are some chosen at random.
“A truthful witness speaks honestly, but a lying witness speaks deceitfully. Careless words stab like swords, but the words of wise people bring healing" 12, 17.18.
“Watch your mouth and you’ll protect your life, but talk a lot, invite ruin” 13,3
“A man may think all his ways are pure, but the Lord weighs the heart” 16,2
“Starting a quarrel is like opening a floodgate, so quit before the quarrel starts”. 17,14.
“A fool’s mouth ruins him, and his lips trap him”. 18,7.
“If you answer before you listen, it is stupid and shameful” 18,13.
“A gossip goes around and tells secrets, don’t have anything to do with a person whose mouth is always open”.20,19.
And finally, this word
“Don’t add anything to what He says, or He will correct you,
And you will be found a liar.” 30,6.
To sum it all up, when we become careless with our speech, truth often takes a back seat, and we are No Blessing or honor in God’s eyes. The God who sent His only Son to die on the cross for us. May He keep our tongue and bless our speech.
GPD 9/21/09