Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Shade Tree Wisdom 8/26/08

So far during August he Lord has sent us nearly 7 inches of rain when the normal is just under 3 inches. So we are green and growing right now. And the lawn needs attention.

The big news right now is the Convention in Denver, all paid for by lobbyists. There is a law saying how much anyone can give to a party, but strangely enough, there is a loophole by which a convention can take all funds necessary to pull it off. One shrugs, and says ‘well, that’s politics’. And it is, but it is also accommodating. Where is the line, the standard, and here, in such a climate, we live.

Well then, my attention turns to something that is precise, exact, and must be that way to succeed. I am speaking of the new diapers Kimberly-Clark offers. It is more expensive, this new Huggies Supreme Natural Fit, but it doesn’t leak! And it took three years of work to achieve a diaper that fits as if the child did not have it on. And all the time the laboratory had to keep in touch with the manufacturing side to make sure they would have machines to cut and make this new diaper. It’s a hit, and the diaper revenues in the next quarter were up 10%. But they can’t simply sit back now and count profits, because there is a design team in Cincinnati working for P&G, on a relentless march to make an even better product.

So here we are living in this year of our Lord 2008. It’s a fast changing world. But here comes the news that the latest computer chips are so complex and different that software writers have yet to figure out their use. But someone will figure it out.

So our world is changing, and we, as God’s children, have the life to live in these changing times. How to do it?

Here’s the one solution, the only one, really, that starts to make sense. It is simply using the Bible as God’s direction for us here. “In Thy light we see light” Ps. 36,9. ”I have hidden Thy word in my heart that I might not sin against you” Psalm 119,11.

And this word brings solace and comfort, “I am a stranger in the earth, do not hide your commands from me.” Ps. 119,19. The psalm goes on and on, calling God’s Word his counselor and delight. He writes, “Your laws endure to this day”, and “your commands make me wiser than my enemies”. So goes this Psalm. Read it carefully, underline, memorize, meditate on, and do. There is our standard; there is the line we walk by, there is the wisdom God offers us. May God bless the walk and the life.

GPD 8/26/08

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