Monday, January 5, 2009

Shade Tree Wisdom 1/4/09

If you can imagine a January 4th and people comfortable wearing short sleeves? Well, today in the Woodlands was just such a day. It started a bit foggy, but the sun came ot nicely and it neared 80. BUT, they promised a cold front for tomorrow that will bring it nearer 40 degrees. Such drops in temperature seem to bring ‘cold’ weather too. And here is a little cure I heard to pass along. If you have a plugged ear because of a cold, just hop on the opposite leg and the clogged ear clears like magic. Just passing this bit along, like so much flotsam and jetsam that floats on the internet.

Christmas sales are a disappointment, and yet I read that Amazon, the internet retailer, said it shipped 6.3 millions pieces on December 15, compared to 15.4 million on its peak day last year. The figure is astonishing. I think of the logistics involved in moving that many packages from one place to another. We have gotten so used to this that we complain if something doesn’t work to suit us.

I lived when the local storekeeper loaded the stove ordered by a loving and caring husband for his wife into his own sled, hitched up old Dobbin, and delivered same himself in the snowy weather. Personal service, and it cost him comfort and time to spend with his own family. And he knew where his customer lived. The drivers who deliver today depend on their GPS, which directs them by voice, ‘turn left here and go 300 feet to“. So the trucks can roam far and wide and drivers do not need to know their routes and who lives where and what they do for a living .

So we celebrate Epiphany tomorrow. It is the day we remember the wise from the East finding the baby in the manger and bringing their gifts to worship the KING.

I am happy that the birth was like this, personal, one on one, Jesus came for ME. Believing that, living that faith, makes life personal and real. May God bless your daily living.
GPD 1/5/09

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