Thursday, April 2, 2009

Shade Tree Wisdom 4/2/09

I enjoy an early morning walk. It’s quiet, maybe a bird or two twittering, but No telephone (I don’t carry my cell phone with me), so there is time to relax, think of the day, ask what is important to do, and just enjoy. So the day begins without the frantic rush to grab a quick cup of coffee and rush out the door to catch my ride.

Maybe that’s just what’s bothering most of us now. A Columbia Journalism Review reports that in 2006 the world produced 161 exabytes of digital data. That’s more information than 3 million times all the information contained in all the books ever written. By next year the number is expected to be 988 exabytes.

We are bombarded with so much information we are getting overwhelmed. Think back, when we were young and there was an earthquake in China we never heard about it till maybe six months later. Today we are standing on the sandbags on the banks of the rising Red River in North Dakota praying the levee holds. We are in the crowd in London waving banners in front of the bank. It’s too much.

Research shows we do our best thinking during quiet times, when we are not otherwise engaged or focused. Do you have such a time? Why not get up a bit earlier, have a cup of coffee, step out on the porch or patio, sit down, and just relax. Daydreaming, we used to call it, and the best ideas flow from such times! “It just came to me out of the blue”, people say.

Maybe our problems will find their solution while we are sweeping the front walk, or taking a leisurely shower, or sitting on a river bank with a fishing pole in our hands, hat over our eyes, and feet sticking up in the air.

Here is one thing we need to do more of, “Be still, and know that I am God”.

He does have a solution for our frantic scurrying about. Pray, and ask, and “He will direct thy soul”.

GPD 4/2/09

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