Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Shade Tree Wisdom 7/29/09

Humid again, and where do you imagine I spent part of this, our wedding anniversary day? I was running short of vitamins, so I made Wal-Mart, which offers quite a large selection, (And of course ‘always the lowest price, always’) my first stop this morning – I get there maybe once a year. So the very size of the place intimidated me. I asked a lady in a blue smock where the vitamins were and she pointed to them but said, “I don’t work here”. Hers was a St. Luke’s medical staff smock! But she smiled at my error.

Then I remembered to look for a cleaning marvel we had been told about and the store carried. So I asked another blue smock where the cleaning supplies were, and she raised a pointing finger leading me deeper into the bowels of this monster. I found it and needed a belt and asked, was met by anther helpful finger pointing a different direction yet, even deeper into this store I went. Thankfully that was all I needed, or wanted. I toyed with the idea of picking up some groceries also, but that would have meant another finger and a further trip. As it was, I feared I would spend our anniversary day at Wal-Mart. But I managed to pick up some cleaning, get some groceries, and get back home before lunch.

It was a lovely summer day in Wisconsin with sun shining, a breeze ruffling the leaves and the grain fields, and the world was fine. Just right for a marriage. So, to the strains of the Hymn melody:

Lord, take my hand and lead me,
upon life’s way.
Direct, protect, and feed me,
From day to day.
Without your grace and favor,
I go astray,
So take my hand O Savior,
And lead the way. LSB 722,1

So we began life together, with a church filled with well wishers and relatives, all praying and offering their good wishes. World War II had just ended. We had I believe 300 relatives and friends for a sit down dinner; beef, mashed potato, green beans and stuff. I say this because rationing was still in effect. You OLD old timers may remember food stuff and gas being rationed and one needed coupons for each piece of meat, pound of butter, and gallon of gas. So how did we get beef for these people? Well, farmers could use what they raised, and Ruth’s brother had raised a beef for this.

The years seem to fly by even yet, but the prayer expressed in that hymn is true. The Lord did guide protect, direct, and bless the years. They have been richly blessed with the work He laid before us to do. He has given the strength and the needed skills to do that work, and has enriched the result always with His presence and blessing. We can but thank God for this daily care and keeping.

"Now, when the shadows lengthen, and night has come, I know that you will strengthen my steps toward home. Then nothing can impeded me, O blessed Friend. So take my hand and lead me, until the end.”

GPD 7/29/09

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