Sunday, October 18, 2009

Shade Tree Wisdom – more on question – 10/18/09

Questions often reveal truth. Like when you were out last night and there was a terrible happening and the next morning your father asked, “Were you there?” and with relief you could say “No, I was at the ball game”.

I recall Samuel the prophet gave king Saul a commission from the Lord. It was to destroy the Amaleliktes totally, because “they waylaid Israel when they came out of Egypt.” 1 Sam. 15,2. So Saul took his army and defeated the Amalekites. When the task was done, Saul reported to Samuel that “I have carried out the Lord's instructions” v,13. Samuel asked one question: “What then is the bleating of sheep in my ears? What is the lowing of cattle that I hear?” v.14. It showed that Saul had not “utterly destroyed their possessions” as commanded.

Which leads me to another question that is relevant with us. When the Pharisees and Sadducees asked Jesus for a sign, He said there would be none except that of the prophet Jonah. Then Jesus asked His disciples, “Who do people say the Son of Man is?” Matt. 16,13. They told him some spoke of John the Baptist, some of Elijah, others Jeremiah.”

Jesus then turned to them and said, “What about you, Who do you say I am”? Peter answered for them all, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” 16,16.

It’s easy to give an answer like that. But later, did they look at what they had said, and really believe it? If they did, why were they later so confused when He was dead? And why did it take so long for them to really understand? It wasn’t till the Holy Ghost came to reveal the truth that their faith really became solid, wasn’t it? But it did.

There are bad reports also. In his Colossian letter St. Paul sends greetings from “Our doctor Luke and Demas” as fellow workers. But later, when he writes to Timothy he reports, sadly “Demas has forsaken us, having loved this present world.” 2 Tim. 4,14. How sad such a statement is, “Forsaken the fellowship, having loved this present world”.

That leaves yet one question to address. That is, “What about you, what think you of Christ?” I leave you with that thought.

GPD 10/18/09

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