“The best way to drive out the devil
If he will not yield to texts of Scripture,
Is to jeer and flout him, for he
Cannot bear scorn” – Luther
It was in l961 that C S Lewis first published “The Screwtape Letters”. Lewis writes from the perspective of a senior tempter giving advice to his young nephew about the best way to conduct a successful temptation. The book was widely received for what it was. And when one reads it, one can clearly see how subtle and sly Satan does his work.
His best work is done when he confuses or misleads people. His best question still is , “Has God really said that?” With the question the devil creates doubt, or even fear, and so does what he does best, leads astray.
Nehemiah, the king’s wine taster, heard the people that had returned to Jerusalem were not faring too well. So he asked leave to go and help. But first, He turned in prayer before asking for this favor. Well, he was allowed to go and help, and he built the wall of the city in 50 days. Some people opposed to this whole process tried their level best to lure Nehemiah away from the city. They came with all kinds of lures, maybe the most cutting was an “Open letter” describing how Nehemiah intended to make himself king. But in prayer, he withstood all temptations. His final word was, “Should such a man as I flee?”
Nehemiah understood, and he simply stood his ground on the basis of the truth he knew, that the King supported him, and that the allegations were simply untrue.
There lies the way. Stand on the truth you KNOW. The Lord’s promise is this: “He that believes and is baptized shall be saved.” And St. John reminds us, "If any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ, the Righteous, who is the propitiation of our sin, but not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world.” 1 John 2.
That is the truth to cling to, so when temptation comes with its lures, resist it “And he will flee from you”. Swing the “Sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God” and stand safely always.
May God bless.
GPD 1/29/10