Friday, November 12, 2010

Shade Tree Wisdom 11/12/10

Still warm this day, but the promise is of possible showers and some cold front moving in. We pray they have it right.

I ran across this prayer. It was written by the late Dr. Martin Franzmann which speaks to our day. It was printed in the parish Service Bulletin of the N,. Wisconsin District. I found it interesting because it speaks so well to the problems of the day.

Rid us, O Lord, of the arrogant delusion
That our age is harder to live in,
Harder to live through,and be decent,
Than in any age that ever was.
And that we are being tried as our Fathers never were.
Teach us, O Lord by Your same and eternal Word,
That we stand before you as we have always stood,
living in Your grace,
And moving toward Your judgments
That the terrible technological trifles of our time,
Have not altered, the great, plain, steady fact,
That You are the Lord.

Sometimes using a printed prayer such as this speaks of just what we want to say, and helps us define our thoughts. And the Lord wants His children to pray, speaking their needs, their dreams, their wants and cares, and He hears, and answers in the time God wills.

GPD 11/12/10

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