Friday, April 27, 2012

Shade Tree Wisdom 4/27/12

          Today I am sitting under a shade tree in my imagination.  Because I find writing is hard work, finding something to write about, searching for the right combination of words to make it interesting, adding touches that are new to the subject or the thought, and setting it down before it escapes again.

          That is why I miss the morning walk that stretched out longer than what I am doing now.  It was and is a nice way to allow the mind to wander.

          Which brings up another thing.  Children today seem so over-booked and so busy that they don’t have time any longer just to daydream, to let their mind wander while they are just staring off into space.

          Remember doing that?  On a quiet summer day lying under a shade tree maybe near a little stream, just looking at the leaves and how the sun sparkled on the water and the quiet gurgle of the little stream with maybe a frog sitting on a leaf, catching flies or what interested him.

          Most creative thought happens when we are staring off into the distance, thinking of nothing much, when suddenly the thought pops to mind, “Why don’t we try that?”  And lo and behold, the thing works, and solves a problem we have been struggling with, and it all seems so simple.

          BUT, it needs that time.  And that is what makes writing hard, and so rewarding.

          I say all this in the hope that you get a handle on what happens before an email arrives, or a blog hits the internet, and I always send my words forth with a prayer that maybe somebody will find something to enrich their life and strengthen their faith in Jesus Christ, the Risen Savior.

GPD 4/27/12

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