Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Shade Tree Wisdom 3/6/13

            This is not what Dr. Carlson had in mind with “Don’t sweat the small stuff."  It is about an item I read. Happened in a grocery store, mother was shopping and carefully selecting grapes for her purchase.  While she was doing that, her small son was busy eating handfuls.  The produce manager was trying gently to point out the grapes were for sale, not for sampling.
            The mother sprang to the child’s defense, “Oh, for goodness sake, it’s such a small thing” and she was indignant!  The report mused, “I wondered where she would draw the line between small and big”?
            I do not know whether that mother took the time at home to point out to her son the wrong?  Or did this just pass into history.  In public, where the world could see, she was teaching her son that stealing was all right, in fact,  wasn’t stealing at all.
            Wise parents always use the “teachable moment”. Moses, in writing of the commandments, said, “Talk about them when are home, away on a journey, when you are lying down and when you are getting up again” Deut,. 6,7.
            The line remains.
                        The Ten Commandments will not budge,
                        And stealing will continue stealing.
            Remember, Our Lord Jesus said, “In the world you will have tribulation, but do not fear, I have overcome the world.” The story illustrates the sort of tribulation we face   daily, only to have to be strong in His strength.  For “When I am weak, then I am  strong.”
GPD 3/6/13

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