Monday, November 18, 2013

Shade Tree Wisdom 11/18/13

            Thoughts on reaching age 93.

            Where have the years gone? Down which avenue of time have the years fled? Life lies before us, hours to work, to plan, to dream. Suddenly they have dwindled to a precious few.

          These words come to mind
          “When days dwindle down to a precious few 
           September, November, and these few golden days I'd share with you 
           Those golden days I share with you”

          So we were met at Living Word by Quinta and Gene. Before worship began Pastor Quinn announced to the assembled congregation the day was my 93rd birthday and asked them to join in singing “Happy Birthday”. They did so, with gusto.

          Some of the family came to bring dinner, so we ate together, then visited till it was time for them to leave. Several phone calls along the line made the time fly by.

          So what thoughts come to mind now. Different moments. I remember one morning in my walk, starting to cross a side street when a car stopped to enter. I looked and then I held up my hand and gestured. It was a young couple leaving to go to work, and each had a cup of coffee sitting on the roof. So I gestured, they checked, got their coffee, and thanked me and went on their way.

          Or walking on one 4th of July and starting to sing a chorus of “It’s a grand old flag, she’s a high flying flag, and forever in peace may she wave”, and having several join me and clapping. Simply fun, early morning.

Church affairs bring many warm remembrances. Or today, a good brother remembering with a selection on his birthday wish. A fine one, and so fitting. Psalm 27,4. A fine reminder.

And remembering all the work, the teaching and the visiting and the preaching and the weddings and the funerals. (At one wedding the groom fainted during the service). But he survived and the couple is living still. And the funerals and the hope that we all hold by our faith in Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord.

It was hard to be a Christian in the first century. Roman law demanded people say “Caesar is lord”. The Christian would not, could not. Because he knew it wasn't true. Jesus is Lord, there is none other. So what did they do? Many died. Because they believed in “That Day”, as Paul writes to Timothy. “I don’t care what Nero, this particular Caesar plans for me, but I have my eye on “That Day”.

Their belief on That Day made them different. Its the thing that ultimately shook the Roman world. These Christians had something that set them apart, for they knew how to live and how to die because they believed in Jesus as their Savior. And that is the story that drove Paul on his missionary journeys to proclaim the Savior.

And that is, in the final analysis, what fills my mind in these precious days, as I pray it does yours. For Paul reminds Timothy that “The time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths.” II Timothy 4, 3.4.

I pray that the Lord who planted the faith in Holy Baptism, will help you and me “Grow in grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.” And may God bless.

GPD 11/18/13

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