Monday, July 14, 2008

Shade tree wisdom 7/14/08

A little breeze makes the walking OK. An article in the daily paper reminds me that the body needs to perspire to endure the hot weather. So it works.

But walking In the early morning means having now and then to walk a bit warily lest some sprinkler blindsides me. I know one that starts about the time I am cruising by, and the system sort of clears its throat before the water spurts, so it does give a bit of warning. But it got me to thinking. I have never seen a person watering anything by hand any more. Many of systems, others set out sprinklers on hoses.

And I sort of miss that. Watering a lawn or some flowers with a hose or with a watering can was sort of therapeutic. It has a lot of calming effect, sets a slow pace, and gives us a bit of time to really see our handiwork in flower bed or arrangement of trees and shrubbery on the lot.

It’s sort of nurturing, an experience that helps slow down the day and gives us a little time to really enjoy what God has spread out before us, doesn’t it? We have tine to really see the beauty of the flower, maybe pick a weed or two, or see the start of some problem with a bug or mold, so we can catch it before it has its chance to destroy.

More than that, it is sort of labor intense. Struggling with a hose always means taking out the kinks – garden hoses always kink – and taking time to relax, slow down the pace a bit, and get ready for a relaxing evening, with the cares and burdens of the day sort of washed away with the water.

Or you have time to visit with a passerby or neighbor, and discuss the best way to grow things in the sort of soil you have.

And, finally, you put the water exactly where it is needed, and you are not among the many whose sprinklers wash sidewalks and driveways needlessly, wasting precious water, costing precious dollars.

So I say, happy watering.

GPD 7/14/08

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