Sunday, December 14, 2008

Shade Tree Wisdom 12/14/08

We are moving closer to the time of Christ’s birth in Bethlehem. The wonders of this amazing Gift cause me to think of others of God’s wonders that we so often ignore or take for granted.

For an example. Here is a bird, the Arctic Tern, that flies some 22,000 miles round trip for its annual migration, from Cape Cod they fly across the Atlantic ocean to Africa, from there across the Pacific to the Antarctic Circle, and the young do this at just about three months old.

I mention this because today the National Audubon Society begins its 109th annual Christmas Bird Count. It runs from Dec. 14 to Jan. 5. In the first count, organized by New Jersey ornithologist Frank Chapman, the bird counters covered 25 North American locations and counted 90 species and about 18,000 individual birds. In 2007 nearly 60,000 people counted in more than 2,000 locations. They tallied 2,267 species and 57,000 individual birds. The Houston and Galveston areas rank high in numbers of species and number of birds counted. Reason for this is the mild season, the network of bayous, ponds, lakes, and marshes, and the abundance of wild berries, seed, and insects. So the area is the winter terminus for many migratory birds.

And this passage comes to mind, “Behold the fowls of the air, for they sow not, neither do they reap, yet your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are you not much better than they?” Matthew 6,26

When you look out and see the birds at your feeders, think of what an amazing creation it really is.

Then remember this same heavenly Father has you, and me, in His care, providing for us the salvation only He can provide.

With that thought, enjoy His coming in the flesh, The Babe at Bethlehem, Our Savior.

GPD 12/14/08

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