Thursday, March 26, 2009

Shade Tree Wisdom 3/26/09

We did something in the service Sunday. Well, we do it every Sunday. We stood as a body and said the Apostle’s Creed out loud, together, and confessed what we believe right there, “out loud, before God and everybody,” as my father often said.

It was not as if we did something unusual, but it suddenly struck me again what we were doing. We were saying, THIS is what I believe. In this changing world, when everything seems to be at loose ends, when nobody seems to know what will happen next, we said, This is what we believe. This is our Lord. This unchanging, ever-lasting, always true, God is our God. It’s like being on a trip and watching the compass carefully, or checking the map to be sure we are still on the correct highway heading the right way, and so finally ending up at the friend’s house exactly. And I thought, “I am not alone in this” for thousands around the world are confessing the very same belief. It is not a heroic thing that we do, but it is simply saying to ourselves, “We know He is our Lord, because he sent His Son to die for our sins, so we have the promise of eternal life. And we believe that.”

So we recited the Apostle’s Creed, or sometimes the Nicene Creed, or, on Trinity Sunday, many use the Athanasian Creed. {sometime look up the story of Athanasius and thank the Lord for his fervor and his determination in expressing that faith).

So we said the Creed again. And as we speak it, maybe the words will remind us of who we are, and mostly, who our Lord is, and thank Him for His presence in our lives.
May He bless us, every one.
GPD 3/26/09

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