Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Shade Tree Wisdom 5/12/09

The ubiquitous cell phone, it’s everywhere. You usually see it held near the ear by a young mother driving an SUV filled with a baseball team making a left hand turn in traffic and chatting about her next hair appointment, or some equally vital stuff. Research by Virginia Tech University shows that more accidents happen by drivers who are distracted and not paying full attention than by aggressive drivers.

And of course, it’s always the other person who is really at fault. It’s oor nature to point the finger. That is as old as Adam and Eve isn’t it? It’s her fault, and then, You gave her to me, God.

The Apostle Paul spoke of that. “They, measuring themselves by themselves, are not wise” 2 Cor. 10, 12.

In the 12th chapter of Romans St. Paul speaks of the Christian life, the way we ought to live up to our faith daily. He starts by saying we ought to offer our bodies to God, and “Do not let the world around you squeeze you into a mold, but let God remold your minds from within, so that you may prove in practice that the plan of God for you is good, meets all His demands, and moves toward the goal of true maturity”. 12,2.

Then, the rest of the chapter gives us examples of such a life. A life that “hates what is evil, clings to that which is good.” That “shares with God’s people who are in need, and practices hospitality.” A Life that “lives in harmony with one another” and “Is not conceited”. At the end, this “As much as lies in you, live at peace with one another’. And then, finally, “Overcome evil with good”.

No, we don’t do this alone, our sinful self gets in the way, BUT, “He hath said, I will never leave thee, never will I forsake thee”. Hebrews 13,5, That means what Jesus promised, “I will be with you even to the end of the world”. Bless the living so.
GPD 5/12/09

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