Thursday, May 21, 2009

Shade Tree Wisdom 5/21/09

Today the Church observes the Ascension of our Lord. It was 40 days after His Resurrection, when He was taken into heaven. The disciples saw him till “a cloud took him from their sight”. Now, as the Creed recites, “He is sitting at the right hand of God, from where he will come to judge the living and the dead.”

The Day is rarely observed by any but the Church. It finished the work of redemption, and the beginning of the work He laid on his followers, “You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you, and you will be My witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth”. Acts 1,8.

It happened, and is still happening, just as He said it would. The Church still reaches “to the ends of the earth” with the glorious message of salvation through faith in this Christ who is alive. Our Living Lord and Savior.

The German name for this festival is HIMMELFAHRT. The term is so descriptive. Travel to heaven. Indeed, that is what happened here. And because it happened, we also are filled with the promised Holy Spirit and serve as His witnesses, the representatives of the king of kings here on earth. A high honor, and a solemn duty to share the news. “Go and Tell" simply means just that. Tell others, as the early disciples did when they “all, except the apostles, were scattered throughout Judea and Samaria. . .and those who were scattered preached the Word wherever they went”. Acts 8, 1.4.

So stop a moment this Day and thank God for His grace to us, and His mercy in calling us to be His children.
GPD 5/21/09

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