Monday, August 15, 2011

Shade Tree Wisdom 8/15/11

      Well, at least you can tell your grandchildren, “I lived through the terrible summer of ’11. Let me tell you about hot and dry, trees were dying and people were sweltering, and I survived Thanks for asking, but don’t remind me again, hear?”.

      Sunday’s sermon here was based on the Gospel reading for the day, Matthew 15, 21-28, which is the story of the Canaanite woman who came to Jesus asking Him to heal her daughter who was possessed. And Jesus not only ignored her, He insulted her. The sermon dealt with the testing such a situation brings with it.

      We all, I am sure, have times when it seems as if the Lord is not paying attention to our prayers, and seems not even to have us in mind, but is more interested in other things than our little problem. The problem which is so large to us, and so pressing and urgent.

      In my devotional reading this morning I read Psalm 44. He speaks there of the wonderful things he has heard “from our fathers, what you did in their days, the days of long ago.” V.1. Then this complaint, “But now you have rejected and humbled us. . .you have scattered us among the nations. You sold your people for a pittance, gaining nothing from their sale.” v.9.11.12..

      It ends in this high note,
“Rise up and help us,
Redeem us
Because of your unfailing love.”v.26.

      And that is always the word we cling too, the enduriong promises of God which say, “I am with you, even to the end of the age.”

      That, too, is a truth you must share with your Grandchildren. God is our God forever and ever. Amen.

GPD 8/15/11

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