Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Shade Tree Wisdom 10/18/11

          It was a cheerful and breezy day for the morning walk, and even the children I met on their trek to meet their bus sounded cheerful.  What a fine morning, turning into a pleasant day.

          But Fall weather just reminded me of high school football season, and I sort of have a longing for those Friday nights with its foray to the Pancake House in Grosse Pointe.  Our youngest daughter was spending her sabbatical year with us taking courses at Wayne State University, and our youngest son and his wife would drop by after work, and we enjoyed our weekly Pancake Feast at the Pancake House.

          The place was always busy, and their specialty was apple pancakes.  A veritable feast.  Today their recipes may be found on Google, then it was secret.  Our daughter did lots of research in the public library in their cook book section, and she finally did find a recipe that tasted like the original.  One of the secrets is using tart apples.  But it does take some patience and the proper equipment.  But the end result is worth the effort.  But even when she succeeded at home, the taste was different when we ate it among the bustle and busyness of the crowd at the the Pancake House.

          Funny, isn’t it, how a mind runs to pleasant experiences.  I guess that is what makes memories so wonderful.  We can and do remember pleasant experiences from the past and use them to bolster the present.

          I pray your life is rich with such memories also.  They tend to remind us how the hand of the Lord gently leads, guides, directs, and upholds us when we our need seems to see no solution, don’t they.
"I will be with you, even the end of the age” is His promise, and memories remind us of the truth of that.

GPD 10/18/11

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