Saturday, October 8, 2011

Shade Tree Wisdom 10/8/11

          The news from here is that there is a real possibility of some thunderstorm activity tomorrow and the next day.  Which to us is very welcome news indeed.

          Right now there is a golf tournament going on at a local course, the Insperity Championship Golfers over 50.

          Which reminds me of the traveler who had 3 hours between flights, so he decided to go to a nearby course and get in a quick nine holes.  He was teamed with an elderly golfer, seemed like a nice fellow, played pretty good golf too.  At the 9th hole a large pine stood right in the way to the green, so the older golfer shot around and had an easy second shot to the green.  The traveler started to aim the same way when the other fellow said, “When I was your age, I just shot over that tree.”  So the young fellow thought to himself, “If he could, so can I”.  He tried, hit the tree and landed in the rough with a terrible second shot.  “Of course, when I was your age, that tree was only 6 feet tall.” said the other guy.

          The golfer was tripped up by a law of physics, wasn’t he?

          That comment leads me to the laws built into the world, laws we count on and make use of for our purpose.  Such as the law of gravity, or of friction, or of compression, or inertia and relativity.  A golfer, for instance, uses compression when he hits the ball, as well as the spring built into his golf club.  Then he counts on gravity to keep his ball from going to the moon, but falling back to earth.
We count on such laws for our very survival.  God placed them there, and all we do is use them.  If we misuse them, we run into the law of consequences.  And that is what people often forget.  There are always consequences.  Every act has its consequence.  For example, you have a test coming, or a large bill to pay at a certain time, and you fail the test because you do not prepare, or do not make the payment because you used those funds for other things, you suffer the consequence.

          Created this world and we live in when we use His laws. That is why the Christian always prays, “I give thanks for all thy daily benefits, given out of pure mercy and love to me, richly and daily.”
This is most certainly true.

GPD 10/8/11

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