Shade Tree Wisdom 8/16/13
Night a little cooler, days not quite as bright and hot, with some rain showers, so the worst of the summer seems history. That, of course,brings a sigh of relief, unless you are facing months of classes, home work, recitations, etc. But that is all part of living, is it not?
Funny, now that I am where I am in years, I often look at those years with some nostalgia. As a matter of fact, I used an expression from a snow ball fight we had at recess one January long ago. And one of the grandchildren I sent it to be translated. So I had better watch what I say, eh?
In my reading I just ran across this bit. After the events of 9/11, word was that the sale of mashed potatoes increased quite a bit. Psychologists speculated it might be because people regard mashed potatoes as comfort food.
And that brings up a question. What Scripture passages do you turn to for solace, for healing, for comfort, to ease your hurt, and find strength to carry on with your living?
Luther, hard pressed and tempted at Coburg, said to those around him, “Let us sing psalm 130”. He found those words calming and strengthening.
Members in a bible class offered many different favorites. Among them was psalm 130, plus many other Psalms, Matthew 6, Ephesians 6, 10-20. Ephesians 2. And many others.
And you have a favorite, do you not? Psalm 23. John 14?
Give I some thought in this day of stress and anxiety.
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