Monday, April 13, 2009

Shade Tree Wisdom 4/13/09 - Easter Blessings

Happy Easter still. The news, which the Apostle Paul said was “of first importance”, that Jesus Christ is Risen from the dead, is still New, and remains so for our comfort and our strength. Rejoice in it each day the lord gives you life.

I believe my favorite Sunday during my ministry was Easter Sunday. I would go to the Church early, and when I opened the door the first thing that I experienced was the aroma of the lilies that had been placed the day before. It surrounded me. It was, to me, the aroma of LIFE, new life. It stayed in the Church, but the movement of many worshippers, the opening of windows and doors, finally dissipated the aroma. But as I say, it was one of the rich experiences happening the way.

So it must new for every Christian. You will have special memories about this Easter. There are others that stick in memory. But they usually are happy memories, for they include the Risen Christ.

We can hardly imagine the gloom of the first disciples that weekend. “We thought it should have been he that would redeem Israel” said the two on their way to Emmaus. Little did they know He already had, and He was now speaking with them as explained the Scripture to them. What joy was theirs when they could rush back to Jerusalem with the Good News, He is Risen.

So it remains. St. Paul called it “news of first importance” in his first letter to the Corinthians, chapter 15, v.3. So it always is.

And as I entered the Church early on Easter morning, part of my joy lay in the fact that the Lord had sent me there that day to tell this truth again. God is ever doing that, making sure His Word is spoken, and heard, and believed.

So Happy and Blessed Easter to you all, everywhere, in whatever situation, and may God bless your day richly.
GPD 4/13/09

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