Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Shade Tree Wisdom 7/4/12

          A Happy Fourth of July 2012

          When I was still doing my morning walk on the fourth and saw a walker coming toward ,me I would often burst into:                    

          You're a grand old flag,                    
          You're a high flying flag                    
          And forever in peace may you wave.                    
          You're the emblem of The land I love.                    
          The home of the free and the brave.                    
          Ev'ry heart beats true                    
          'neath the Red, White and Blue,                    
          Where there's never a boast or brag.                    
          Should auld acquaintance be forgot,                    
          Keep your eye on the grand old flag.

          More times than not people would chime in, here a walker, there someone on the front lawn having a cup of coffee, there a dog walker. It was nice. Then we would smile, wave,. Maybe greet one another, and go our way, enjoying the blessing of living in this country.

          Now, on this fourth, Let’s join to sing:                    

          God bless our native land;                    
          Firm may it ever stand Through storm and night.                    
          When the wild tempests rave,                    
          Ruler of wind and wave,                    
          Do thou our country save                    
          By thy great might.                    

          So shall our prayers arise                    
          To God above the skies,                    
          On whom we wait.                    
          Thou who art ever nigh,                    
          Guarding with watchful eye,                    
          To thee aloud we cry:                    
          God save the state!

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