Saturday, September 20, 2014

Shade Tree Wisdom 9/20/14

          I was thinking of words.  One that I read recently spoke about a person ambling along.  What does ‘ambling’ mean?  What kind of walking is that?  Then I remember a time when the grandchildren were little and were visiting and we’d go for a ‘walk’.

          Well, you know how that  goes.  They stop and check out a bug crawling across the walk, or some growth along the side, or run back to look at something again.  They are all over the place, and we are really ambling, sort of a ‘no specific goal in mind’.  There is no set purpose to our walk except just being there and spending time with the grandchildren.  Picture the scene and I believe you’ll grasp the meaning of ‘just ambling along’.

          It speaks of an easy time, when we weren’t pressed or hurried along.  And we really had time to stop and smell the flowers.  How sweet and pleasant are such  times, and they are all too few, are they not?

          David, the young shepherd came to mind.  His flocks have been watered, and now are lying down in the pleasant shade.  Maybe there is a dog at hand, and David relaxes on a little knoll, enjoying his lunch also.  A peaceful scene, and inviting, warm and relaxed.

          I hope your lives have scenes such as that in them, when we can understand the “Be still and know that I am God”.

          How safe we are under His eternal and loving care.

GPD 9/20/14

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