Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Shade Tree Wisdom 9/24/14

          The other day I stopped at the all purpose room. It is used to play games, sit and chat, exercise, and stuff like that.  It also contains several shelves of books to borrow.  Standing in the corner is a table with a puzzle being worked by people who are interested. 

          There was a resident working and she was humming.  I recognized the hymn, and it reminded me of my mother.  These are the words: 
“The King of love my Shepherd is, 
Whose goodness faileth never, 
I nothing lack if I am His, 
And He is mine forever.” 

          There is such a loving, caring promise in those words, they are really soothing and uplifting.  The hymn goes on: 

“Where streams of living waters flow, 
My ransomed soul He leadeth, 
And where the verdant pastures grow, 
With food celestial feedeth” 

          Daily I read my Bible, that ‘food celestial’, and it warms my heart and strengthens my faith in my Savior. And, sadly, this truth about my walk in faith: 

“Perverse and foolish oft I strayed, 
But yet in love He sought me. 
And on His shoulder gently laid, 
And home, rejoicing, brought me.” 

          So I stepped over to the humming resident and said, “How is it going? “Oh,” she said “It’s kind of hard, and then pieces fall into place and I finally finish.  But I’m in no hurry”.  “The reason I’m asking is because my Mom used to hum while she was engaged in something, maybe baking or dusting or mending.”  I always enjoyed hearing that. It’s such a soothing, comforting sound, as if things were going well.  And so they are when “I nothing lack when I am His and He is mine forever”.  

          Dr. Luther used to say when he was hard pressed by evil, “I am baptized”.  And so I am, and that makes me His. 

GPD 9/24/14

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