Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Shade Tree Wisdom 4/21/15

Shade Tree Wisdom 4/21/15
        The Holy Bible, speaking about the creation, says:
“And God saw everything that He
Had made, and behold, it was very good.
And there was evening, and there
Was morning, the sixth day.”
Genesis 1,31.
        That explain some of the mysteries of animal behavior.
One I recently read about is the Blackpoll warbler, whose normal boy weight is 11  grams. (For comparison, a half dollar weighs ll.3 grams.) For their fight they fatten up to 20 grams, and then fly non stop  over the Gulf of Mexico to their winter grounds in South America. In Spring they return to the same nesting place as far north as Alaska.
        Or take bats. In Africa, for example, thousands of straw colored fruit bats come to certain sites exactly when their fruit is available.
What is the explanation?
        There are so many mysteries that scientist are just beginning to
unravel that it leads me to believe the Scripture is right when it says,
“And God saw everything He had made,
and behold, it was very good,”
Thank God for His mercy in sending Jesus.

GPD 4/21/15

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