Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Shade Tree Wisdom 4/8/15

Shade Tree Wisdom 4/8/15
          Festivals such as Easter for many families is a chance to get together, catch up on events, and just enjoy fellowship.
          So here comes an article from the WSJ talking about regular family game nights which can, among other things, teach this lesson: “to be happy but not gloat, and to lose and not pout.”
          Playing card games teaches math skills, and also can strengthen social skills, such  as bluffing a player to make a wrong move.  Children will be interested if they see parents enjoying the games. And playing games, having a family game  night, builds memories that brighten their lives together. Card games teach about following rules, create chances for face to face play, conversation, taking turns, and fair play.
The sale of Games, such Monopoly, have been on the increase since 1902.
          So the next time a family affair is planned, play something together and make the time more memorable.
May God bless your family richly.

GPD 4/8/15

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