Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Shade Tree Wisdom 7/21/09

That cool breeze felt refreshing this morning. Both for the body, and for the spirit, because it really feels as if the long-promised rain is not too far off now. We pray it comes soon to wash the leave and settle the dust.

Prominent in the news these days is the landing on the moon. 40 year anniversary is celebrated and discussed and applauded again. And these astronauts have their pictures taken and reminisces recalled. Think, men had to figure this thing exactly, enough power to get them there and the power to return to earth safely. When Armstrong and Aldrin stepped on the surface of the moon and glimpsed the earth, did they have some doubt about ever returning?

One thing they could count on is that God’s system was dependable. The forces they dealt with remained the same, never changed, never lessened or increased, just always the same, because God had made them so.

That is what I feel mostly here, the dependability of God’s creation.

That thought must be front and center in religion too. God’s Word is true. It can be trusted, It never changes, never fails. And what it teaches is that GOD finished the work for us, so salvation is free. “Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved” said the apostle. That alone can really satisfy the sinner.

The thought is so well expressed in a novel by Bo Giertz, A Swedish theologian. When a young pastor struggles with his feeling, an older mentor makes it clear that not our feelings, but God’s promises, are what he needs to rely on. For all they can do is stir up feelings and bring despair, because a sinful person simply cannot ever satisfy the law of God. The law is there to show us our sin, and that’s all it can do. But the message of the Gospel is ‘Christ died for sinners, of whom I am chief.”

That message, the Gospel news of Jesus Christ, is what we need to believe, and need to “Go and tell to all nations" as Jesus commanded. There lies our comfort, and our peace. God grant it for you.

GPD 7/21/09

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