Sunday, May 1, 2011

Shade Tree Wisdom 5/1/11

The estimate is that more than 2 billion people watched the wedding last Friday. Everything seemed to go well. Some 5,000 police were on duty, and the crowds were in a happy mood. Everything was taken care of. There even were grooms, dressed inconspicuously in long brown coats, to sweep up any horse droppings. Neat touch.

So the party is leaving the cathedral and the crowd is out front, cheering and being happy. Meanwhile, one person, dressed in a black robe, probably had some part of the service, is wending his way homeward along the side of the cathedral. Nobody is around, so he turns a hand spring, then another. And the camera catches him in the act. In that gesture we see the relief that it is all over and everything went fine. The person is happy. He shows his exuberance with that handspring.

No, I never did that after a wedding, though I do know just the feeling of a job well and properly done with no unexpected glitches. And everything turned out as planned.

That’s the sort of feeling every student has when he turns his final paper and completed project in on time, and finishes the last exam for the year. The feeling of “I’m finished, and I did the best I could”. That feeling of satisfaction, of a job well done, a planned task taken care of successfully.

For us Christians, Good Friday offered such a feeling. When our Lord Jesus, on the cross, cries out “It is finished”, and then He “bowed His head, and gave up the ghost.”

That means we can and do now say to one another “Peace be with you” For “He is our peace”. For by His dying He won for us our salvation since He paid the price our sins cost.

We rejoice, therefore, just a much as that functionary who turned his handsprings. For we can, and do, believe and say, “I am God’s child by Holy Baptism.” That is God’s Easter gift for you and me.

GPD 5/1/11

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