Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Shade Tree Wisdom 11/8/11

          It had rained a bit just before my morning walk, so it seemed muggy, and if there had not been a pleasant little breeze now and then, it would have been unpleasant.  But for today the weather people say 50% chance of thunderstorms in the late afternoon, and we will take that.

          Suppose if I had stuck my nose out before venturing forth I might have procrastinated, and finally did no walking at all.  Look at what it brought to God’s children at the entrance of the promised land.  God had said, “You have stayed here long enough” Deut.1,6. So Moses sent 12 good men to spy out the land.  They were amazed at what they found, but ten of them gave a bad report, “They’re giants.  We can’t possibly beat them”.  Joshua and Caleb reminded them of God’s promise.  We can do it because God promised.  But they hung back just the same, and taught us.

          Procrastination always leaves out God’s promises.  And so causes things to look different than they really are.  AND, procrastination is contagious.  Fear begets fear.  So it misses the Lord’s blessings.

          Their procrastination cost them 40 years of wandering in the wilderness.  It is always easier to put off, to make plans, to say “tomorrow”.

          In “The Wealthy Barber” the town barber asks Mr. White, the richest man in town, the secret of wealth.  Mr. White said, “wealth beyond your wildest dreams is possible if you follow this golden rule.  Invest just 10% of all you make for long term growth.  If you follow that simple guideline, someday you’ll be a very wealthy man”.  (Pg 30 The Wealthy Barber-David Chilton).  The secret is to begin.

          To drift is simple, and easy, requires no backbone, no skill needed, no backbone needs stiffening, needs no planning, no effort, no work.  No goals to meet, no deadlines set, no work to finish.  To say “Tomorrow I will begin” is always the talk of weak people.

          In Ecclesiastes the Preacher writes,
               “Whatever your hand finds to do,
               Do it with your might.
               For in the grave, where you are going,
               There is neither working,
               Nor planning,
               Nor knowledge,
               Nor wisdom”. Eccl, 9,10.

          Finally, remember,
               “the quiet words of the wise,
               Are more to be heeded,
               Then the shouts of a ruler of fool.” 9,17

GPD 11/8/11

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