Sunday, January 1, 2012

Shade Tree Wisdom 1/1/12

          Happy and Blessed New Year 2012

          I stand here at the threshold of this year somewhat astonished and very, very grateful for the years the Lord is giving me. So many years he has planned for me that I have outlived the ‘three score and ten’ the Psalm (90.10) speaks of.

          Standing at the threshold of a new year perhaps is a good time to reflect a moment on what is now ended. Good times, and also several burdens, and through it all the Lord in grace sent strength and wisdom to survive. For this we are so grateful.

          At age 120 Moses climbed Mt. Nebo. At age 91 I find a cane helpful when I stand after kneeling for the Holy Supper.

          In my morning walk I use no cane. I do have a walking staff hidden behind my study/computer room door.  A friend who grew up in the foothills of the Rockies often took hikes there, and he said in such a mountain hike a staff was essential to help over rough parts of the trail and especially when the walk became steep. It said one developed a rhythm, making walking easier with a staff. So, one of these days I might just try it.

          Meanwhile, for the new year ahead of us, may I offer two suggestions. The first is after Jesus had sent out the disciples and they returned with their reports, rejoicing that “even the devils are subject unto us through Thy name.” (Luke 10,17)  And Jesus said, and this is my suggestion and hope for you , “Rather rejoice, because your names are written in heaven”. (Luke 10,20)

          Because in Holy Baptism the Sprit planted faith in your heart and you became “sons of god, which we are”. May the year keep that faith strong and growing during 2012.

          The second suggestion comes from Eccl. 9,10, “Everything your hand finds to do, do it with your might, because there is no work or planning, knowledge or skill, in the grave, where you are going.”

          Let your work life reflect your enthusiasm for the things at hand. Be the one whose wisdom is helpful, and be a person easy to live with. God will bless that sort of life.

          So, may 2012 be rich in blessings for you.

GPD 1/1/12

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