Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Shade Tree Wisdom 7/24/13

Shade Tree Wisdom 7/24/13

In the great scheme of things, I suppose spitting cherry pits rates way down there. Somewhere with watermelon seeds flying around, as one reminded me.

And yet, chewing the fruit, pursing the lip, curling the tongue just so, and then blowing, is one of those things that give life a memorable moment, especially if the aim is true and you managed to get your older brother on the neck. It’s one of those little things that bring a smile to the face and warm the heart in the remembering. Often such moments go unnoticed and unremarked, yet such moments provide the oil that make life easier.

I’m just thankful the Lord provides such moments now and then, aren’t you?

So “Rejoice in the Lord always,
Again, I say, Rejoice.”

GPD 7/24/13

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