Tree Wisdom 4/16/15
Here is a bit of advice from Proverbs,
also called the book of Wisdom. It is:
“Trust in the
Lord with
All you heart, and lean
Not on your
Proverbs 3,5.
You probably learned the verse, as I did,
during catechism class. It was short, easy to remember, and just loaded with
wisdom. Because it made such sense.
The Barna Group researches, among other things,
the relation of people to religion. Are they atheists, theists, faithful Christians,
un-churched, why, and for what reason?
research reveals that there are more atheists today, that college graduates do
not attend church because they do not trust the church, that many others are
simply indifferent.
Trust. Our lives can’t survive without trust,
can they. Take driving along a road at 70 alongside a car also going 70. We
usually don’t worry that they’ll suddenly swerve into us. We drive with Trust.
And that is what faith really is,
trusting the Word of the Lord.
The 11th
chapter of the Book of Hebrews begins,
“Now faith is the evidence
Of things hoped for, for
The conviction of things
Not seen.”
And our Lord Jesus said to the doubting
“Blessed are thy who have not seen,
And yet believed.”
So, I pray your own faith will keep on
GPD 4/16/15