Saturday, November 28, 2015

Shade Tree Wisdom 11/28/15

          During this week of thanksgiving I have been looking at some the church’s treasure of hymns used though the centuries. I feel it is fitting to end the week with a modern poet. This hymn was written by Jaroslov Vajda, a seminary classmate. He suffered all his life with asthma, yet his talents would not remain  hidden. He wrote, among many hymns, this.
“Now the silence, now the peace
Now the empty hands uplifted.
Now the kneeling, now the plea,
Now the Fathers arms in welcome.
Now the body. Now the blood,
Now the joyful celebration.
Now the wedding, now the songs,
Now the heart forgiven, leaping.
Now the Spirit’s visitation,
Now the Son’s epiphany,
Now the Father’s blessing. Now.
LSB 910,1

GPD 11/28/15


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