Shade Tree
Wisdom 8/29/15
Fittingly enough, the Book of Acts
begins by telling the story of how the Church on earth began and still is doing
the work of the Church on earth
.So this is how
the story of the Church is told:
“In the first book, of Theopholis,I have begun with
All the Jesus began to do the teach,
until the day He was taken up ,
after He had given commands to the
Apostles whom He had chosen.
He presented Himself alive to them,
After His suffering by many proofs,
Appearing to them 40
Days ad speaking about the
Kingdom of God.
And while staying with them He
Ordered them not to depart
From Jerusalem, but to wait for
The promise of the Father, which
He said you heard from me; for John
Baptized with water, but you will be baptized
With the Holy Spirit not many
Days from now.”
Acts 1, 1-4.
That was the beginning of the Church
as it began t carry the Saving word of Jesus the Only Savior from sin. And they
it boldly, like Peter and John with the beggar at the temple door,
“What I do have I give I give to you.
In the name of Jesus Christ
Of Nazareth, rise up
And walked.”Acts 4,6.
And the beggar did walk. So they were bold,
did not hesitate, were neither timid nor lacked courage, for they believed in
the message.
that is the message of salvation the Church still had, and proudly, yes with courage,
dies “go into all the world”. And God still gives the increase, as first it is reported,
that God “Added to the Church daily them that should believe.”
they give us the example, and God gives us the courage, to indeed “Go into all
the world and preach the Gospel. And God ever blesses.
GPD 8/29/15