Shade Tree
Wisdom 10/31/15
Today for Lutherans it is Reformation
Day. The date was set in 1667 by Elector John George II of Saxony as the day to
observe the posting of the 95 thesis on the church door at Wittenberg by Martin
Luther. He meant them to serve for discussion about reforming certain false
These discussions
led eventually to establishing the Lutheran Church.
me, the date always brings to mind when in my Seminary days the date fell on a
Sunday and the Seminary decide to hold a festival service. The chapel was
packed and many area Lutherans, who had been invited, also came, What sticks in
mind was famous organist Rechlin, at the organ, and the body singing the Battle
Hymn of the Reformation. It is:
“A mighty
Fortress is our God,
A trusty shield and weapon,
He helps us free from every need,
That hath us now o’er taken.
The old evil foe,
Now means deadly woe,
Deep guile and great might,
Are his dread arms in fight,
On earth is not his equal.
LSB 656,1