Monday, November 30, 2015

Shade Tree Wisdom 11/30/15

          At His transfiguration they heard a voice from the cloud. This was the message:
“This is My Beloved Son,
With Whom I am well pleased,
Listen to Him.”

          What better words do we need as we are about to begin a fresh month than this, listen to the WORD which brings us the news if our salvation.

GPD 11/30/15


Sunday, November 29, 2015

Shade Tree Wisdom 111/29/15

          Evidently some people had a false opinion of how salvation worked. They felt they had some input needed. So St. Paul writes this letter to set them straight about salvation. He says it is not by their own effort at all. Not at all. It is a Gift of God. Not by any means depending on their own efforts. No, indeed, It is a GIFT. Not of works, he writes, that no one can boast.
“For by grace you have been saved
Through faith,
It is not your own doing,
It is a Gift of God,
Not the result of works,
So that no one may boast.”
Ephesians 2,8

GPD 11/29/15


Saturday, November 28, 2015

Shade Tree Wisdom 11/28/15

          During this week of thanksgiving I have been looking at some the church’s treasure of hymns used though the centuries. I feel it is fitting to end the week with a modern poet. This hymn was written by Jaroslov Vajda, a seminary classmate. He suffered all his life with asthma, yet his talents would not remain  hidden. He wrote, among many hymns, this.
“Now the silence, now the peace
Now the empty hands uplifted.
Now the kneeling, now the plea,
Now the Fathers arms in welcome.
Now the body. Now the blood,
Now the joyful celebration.
Now the wedding, now the songs,
Now the heart forgiven, leaping.
Now the Spirit’s visitation,
Now the Son’s epiphany,
Now the Father’s blessing. Now.
LSB 910,1

GPD 11/28/15


Friday, November 27, 2015

Shade Tree Wisdom 11/27/15

          Another thanksgiving hymn.
“Now thank we all our God,
With hearts and hands and voices,
Who wondrous things has done,
In Whom this world rejoices;
Who from our mothers arms,
Has blessed us on our way
With countless gifts of love
And still is ours today”
LSB 895,1.

GPD 11/27/15

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Shade Tree Wisdom 11/26/15

The hymn that speaks Thanksgiving to me is this one, written by Henry Alford,
“Come, ye thankful people, come;
Raise the song of harvest home.
all is safely gathered in,
Ere the winter storms begin;
God, Our Maker, doth provide
For our wants to be supplied.
Come to God’s own temple, come;
raise the song of harvest home.”

      And sing with gusto.

GPD 11/26/15  Thanksgiving

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Shade Tree Wisdom 11/25/15

Come, ye thankful people, come, raise the song of harvest home;
All is safely gathered in, ere the winter storms begin.
God our Maker doth provide for our wants to be supplied;
Come to God’s own temple, come, raise the song of harvest home.
All the world is God’s own field, fruit unto His praise to yield;
Wheat and tares together sown unto joy or sorrow grown.
First the blade and then the ear, then the full corn shall appear;
Lord of harvest, grant that we wholesome grain and pure may be.
For the Lord our God shall come, and shall take His harvest home;
From His field shall in that day all offenses purge away,
Giving angels charge at last in the fire the tares to cast;
But the fruitful ears to store in His garner evermore.
Even so, Lord, quickly come, bring Thy final harvest home;
Gather Thou Thy people in, free from sorrow, free from sin,
There, forever purified, in Thy garner to abide;
Come, with all Thine angels come, raise the glorious harvest home.

Shade Tree Wisdom (2) 11/24/15

          Another hymn to give thought to
“O all embracing Mercy
O ever open Door,
What should we do without you
When heart and eye run o’er?
When all things seem against us,
To drive us to despair,
we know one gate is open,
One ear will hear our prayer.”
LSB 915,4

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Shade Tree Wisdom 11/24/15

        For this thanksgiving week several hymn verses that speak of it nicely.
“O keep me watchful then, and humble,
Permit me nevermore to stray.
Uphold me when my feet would stumble,
\and keep on the narrow way.
Fill all my nature with Thy light,
O Radiance, strong and bright”
LSB 694,4

         And give thanks.

GPD 11/24/15


Monday, November 23, 2015

Shade Tree Wisdom 11/23/15

          St. James is teaching about prayer to his listeners, and he says,
The prayer of a
Righteous person has
Has great power
As it is working.”
James 5,16b

          So he is encouraging us to pray, even when we feel God doesn’t
 hear us.  For God does hear, and He is answering at the right time and in the right way. And we may be sure it is always the right way, and at the right time for all concerned. Keep that truth in mind for your daily prayer life.

GPD 11/23/15

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Shade Tree Wisdom 11/22/15

          Here is an old Gospel hymn, often sung at revivals of the faithful, and carrying a truth for our living today.
“Beneath the cross of Jesus,
I fain would take my stand
The shadow of a mighty Rock,
Within a weary land;
A home within the wilderness,
A rest upon the way,
From the burning of the noontide heat,
And the burden of the day”.

          Think of it for that moment when you rest, wearied from toilsome cares of life, for a moment to refresh the weary one.

GPD 11/22/15

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Shade Tree Wisdom 11/21/15

Shade Tree Wisdom 11/21/15
          This text is from Gregory J. Wismer, expressing a truth we need to think about in our daily life.
“These holy conversations
 begin in childlike ways
          We  bring our supplications
In words of thanks and praise.
With care our Father listens.
To every thought expressed,
Then answers our petitions,
In ways He knows are best.”
LSB 772,2
          Our prayers, admit it now, often are rather selfish. It is more often what I want, need, or long for. So the truth of this verse speaks to that and admits that “The Father knows is best”.

GPD 11/21/15

Friday, November 20, 2015

Shade Tree Wisdom 11/20/15

Shade Tree Wisdom 11/20/15
          In Hiss final words before leaving Jesus promised:
“And behold,
I am with you always,
to the end of the age.”
Matthew 28,20
          In those words Jesus brings rich comfort and quiet peace to a heart that is often trouble and anxious. What more do we need, what else can lift up the spirit, as that promise of a gracious and loving Savior.
          The word, “I am with you” what else do we realy need to hear and know?
GPD 11/20/15

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Shade Tree Wisdom 11/19/15

Shade Tree Wisdom 11/19/15
          Jesus spoke a truth to His own that brings deep comfort every
time I think of that truth.
“but because you are
 not of the world, but I choose
you out of the world,
the world hates you.”
John 15,19
Like most truths, this one is simply stated, so is easily understood. It is marvelous that the Lord brings deep trust and satisfaction in such a few words. Yet simply stated, such truth stands out best, does it not?
GPD 11/19/15


Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Shade Tree Wisdom 11/18/15

Shade Tree Wisdom 11/18/15
          Today I shall give a sort of resume of my 95th birthday.
The girls and Gene were here and placed a cupcake, a box of worthy candy, and a small bag with more candy with a slip attached reading’ thank you for helping me celebrate my 95th birthday, Pastor D.’
They placed such a gift at each place setting in the dining room for lunch. The gang sang Happy Birthday, and then ate their lunch, satisfied, they returned to their rooms.
          After lunch my family came back to my room and gave me some gifts, books and sleep and sweater wear, and then drove home in  rain.

GPD 11/18/15

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Shade Tree Wisdom 11/17/15

Shade Tree Wisdom 11/17/15
          What other choice for today. November 17, my birthday, than the 90th?
“The years of our of life
Are seventy, or even if by reason of strength
Eighty; yet their span is but
Toil and trouble;
They are soon gone,
And we fly away.”
Psalm 90.10
          In one verse our gracious God sort of ums up my life. So much experienced, from WWI to the present, and much has indeed been toil and trouble, but there also have been many sun-filled and happy days, so I just thank God for His mercy and allowing so many of them, now to 95. All I can say is, “I thank God for His mercy”.
GPD 111/17/15

Monday, November 16, 2015

Shade Tree Wisdom 11/16/15

Shade Tree Wisdom 11/16/15
          Here is a truth we Christians ought never to forget expressed
In poetical form, like  so many truths are.
“In all the strife of mortal life
Our feet will stand securely;
Temptation’s hour
Will lose its power,
For You will guard us surely.
O God, renew  
with heavenly dew,
Our body, soul, and spirit
Until we stand
At Your right hand
Through Jesus’ saving merit.”
LSB 714,3
One wonders, will the turmoil in Paris and several eastern states, and among football teams on Missouri’s campus and elsewhere be the beginning of those ‘end times’ we often hear about. In any event, the times call for fervent prayer, do they not? And I trust we are doing that often.
GPD 11/16/15

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Shade Tree Wisdom 11/15/15

Shade Tree Wisdom 11/15/15
          In these days when the world hears anxiously about the terrible happening in Paris, our thought go to them, and we wonder, is this the beginning of those end times we hear about, the beginning the end of days? It is time, I believe, for us to hear again the truths expressed by poet Herman Steumpfle. His poem is “Be Still my soul”.
It follows:
“Be still, my soul. Before the Lord
For God is always near.
Before your mind is moved to pray,
God listens and will hear.

Wait then, in quiet confidence,
Your anxious  thought at rest.
God knows your needs before you ask,
And works for what is best.

The poet’s final verse ends with the promise, “God’s help will not be late”.  Remember that, His Help is always right on time.
GPD 11/15/15

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Shade Tree Wisdom 11/14/1/5

Shade Tree Wisdom 11/14/15

          One of the best known verses in the Bible is written b St. Paul in his letter to the Ephesians where St. Paul writes, chapter 2, v. 8,9
“For by grace
You have been saved
Through faith, and
This is not your
Own doing;
It is the gift of God,
Not the result
Of works,
So that no
One may boast.”
Ephesians 2, 8.9.
          These two short verses tell the story of salvation in brief. Every child in confirmation classes learned them as one of the first pieces for memory. And, once learned, they stand ready to steady us when we are assaulted by the devil and all manner of evil that seems daily around us in this world. But here we stand secure by God’s promise, and daily we are grateful for His presence in our daily affairs. Bless the Lord for His grace and constant care
GPD 11/14/15

Friday, November 13, 2015

Shade Tree Wisdom 11/13/15

Shade Tree Wisdom 11/13/15
          Once when Jesus was coming into the city of Jericho He saw Zacchaeus,  a small man who had climbed a tree in order to see Jesus
Better, and said to Zacchaeus,
“hurry and come down,
for I must stay at your house today. . .      for the Son of Man came to seek the lost.”
Luke 19, 9.10
           In that incident Jesus shows us the very reason why He came into this word It was to save us sinners, of who, as St, Paul said,”I am chief.”
And so am I,  and all f us, he4nce our everlasting thanks to our Savior.
GPD 11/13/15


Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Shade Tree Wisdom 11/11/15

Shade Tree Wisdom 10/11/15
          Today, November 11th, is veterans day, established by congressional vote The verse I propose here deals with a different life-giving, but it does keep in mind the many sacrifices made for all of us to keep our world free. Jesus said to His disciples:    
“Greater love has no
Man than this,
That someone
Lays down His life
For His friends.
John 15,13
In those few words Jesus explains His sacrifice for us all. Of course, His sacrifice led to paying for the wins of everyone. The sacrifice of so many veterans simply meant they set us free to live in safety and contentment. For that we honor and thank them. But the sacrifice Jesus made paid for ms sins and gives me eternal life. God’s greatest gift for sinners. That is the news we gladly share with others.
GPD 11/11/15


Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Shade Tree Wisdom 10/`10/15

Shade Tree Wisdom 10/10/15
Jesus is speaking to His followers, and He tells them:
“My sheep hear Shade Tree Wisdom 10/10/15
My voice, and I
Know them, and they
Follow Me.
I give them eternal life,
And they will never perish,
And no one will
Snatch them out
Of My hand.”
\John 10,27.28
          That is truly a comforting truth, to be called ‘my sheep’ by the divine Shepherd. Why? It just means He recognizes us as His own, We become so when we are baptized and given the Holy Spirit to dwell in us. We are changed into “My Sheep”

Monday, November 9, 2015

Shade Tree Wisdom 11/9/15

Shade Tree Wisdom 11/9/15
          In St. John chapter 4 Jesus teaches a truth meant for our ears as well, when He spoke about harvest and said:
“Do not say,
‘There are yet four months,
Then comes the harvest’?
Look I tell you,
Lift up your eyes, and see that the
Fields are white for harvest.”
John 4,35.
          Jesus is talking about the harvest of souls, leading lost people to believe in Jesus Christ as their Savior. That is the task for every Christian .Pray for success.
GPD 11/9/15

Sunday, November 8, 2015

ShadeTree Wisdom 11/8/15

Shade Tree Wisdom 11/8/15
“But when I think that God
His Son not sparing,
Sent Him to die,
I scarce can take it in –
That  on the cross
My burden gladly bearing
He bled and died
To take away my sin;
Then sings soul,
My Savior God to Thee,
How great Thou art,
801,3Ow great Thu arty.”
LSB 801,2LSB 801,3

          You may remember George Beverly Shea sang this hundreds of times at every Billy Graham crusade. It was composed by Carl Gustaf Boberg after a sudden rain shower when he saw a rainbow in the sky.

GPD 11/8/15

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Shade Tree Wisdom 11/7/15

Shade Tree Wisdom 11/7/15
          Often people worry about the future. What will happen? What do I get ready for? And such questions worry folks.  Quite a bit.
          This verse from Proverbs speaks about that.
“Do not boast
About tomorrow,
For you do not know
What a day may bring.
Proverbs 27,1
          I guess we all worry, some more, some less, but it does bother us, maybe quite a bit.
 Well, St. James has quite a bit to say in his letter.
“Come now, you who say,
Today or tomorrow
We will go I into such
A town and spend a
Year there. . .yet
You do not know
What tomorrow will bring. . .
Instead, you ought to say,
If the Lord will,
We will live
And do this and that.”
James 4,12.
          That places our worries just where they ought to be, at the foot of our God, who has promised to care for us even to eternity.
In brief, if we do believe in God our motto can be, “Don’t worry”

GPD 11/7/15

Friday, November 6, 2015

Shade Tree Wisdom 11/6/15

Shade Tree Wisdom 11/6/15
          Here is some advice that more ought to heed.
“Drive out a scoffer,
And strife will go out,
And quarreling and
Abuse will cease.”
Proverbs 22,10
          A scoffer can stir up trouble out of nothing. He just loves to stir the pot to see people get angry for no reason. Es[ecially is this true because he is jealous of people at peace. Give that some thought.

GPD 11/6/15

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Shade Tree Wisdom 11/5/15

Shade Tree Wisdom 11/5/15
          This verse, verse 8, 0f the 40th Palm speaks a truth which we might make our own aim in life.
“I delight to do
Your will
O my God;
Your law is
Within my heart.”
                                                      Psalm 40,8.
          It strikes me he means he learned His will. “I’ve memorized it; learned it by heart” Which, by the way, is one way of ‘hiding’ the Word of God in our own heart, to make it our own, and so always be able to use it to defend ourselves against the assaults of the devil as Jesus did when He was tempted in the wilderness.

GPD 11/5/15

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

shadeTree Wisdom 11/4/15

Shade Tree Wisdom 11/4/15
This verse from Psalm 119 speaks to us all:
“The blessing has fallen
To me,
That I have
Kept Your
Psalm 119,56
          This verse bespeaks a truth we all ought to aspire to, but don’t, because we are sinners, born so.                                       
It speaks to our desire, rather than what we do accomplish. But we still ought to aspire each day.
GPD 11/4/15

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Shade Tree Wisdom 11/3/15

Shade Tree Wisdom 11/3/15
          Here is a needed prayer set in poetical form
“The will of God is always best
And shall be done forever:
And they who trust in Him are blest;
He will forsake them never.
He helps indeed,
In every need;
He chastens with forbearing.
They who depend
On God their friend,
Shall not be left despairing.”
LSB 758,1.
          A fine thought to carry with us for our daily living, isn’t it?

GPD 11/3/15

Monday, November 2, 2015

Shade Tree Wisdom 11/2/15

Shade Tree Wisdom 11/2/15
          This small verse from the longest psalm the 119th, read so:
“I will keep
Your statutes;
Do not utterly
Forsake me.:”
Psalm 119,8
          He is  not being self righteous. Instead, he is reaching out the mercy of God and depending on God’s help in hiss plea.
          For a Christian is always aware of his failings, and seeks the grace of God’s forgiveness.  We need that always, because not one is is perfect.
GPD 11/2/15