Monday, January 26, 2015

Shade Tree Wisdom 1/27/15

Shade Tree Wisdom 1/27/15
          What does this mean to you?
“Too exhausted to run,
Too afraid to stop!”
          It strikes me that describes the lives of so many people today. They always seem to be in  hurry. When they are here, they look as if they wanted to be there. Never quite seeming to fit in, always ready to try something new. Never satisfied.

          The phrase above does describe them, doesn’t? And maybe, when they reach total exhaustion, they may be read to listen to some common sense.
          After all, the Lord Jesus Himself asked his tired disciples, “Come ye aside and rest awhile” Mark 6,31

          Resting allows time for reflection. A time to consider how we may improve the way we work, or the message we send, or the affect we have in living our lives the way we do.

          Resting also allows time to see the world around us. Look at a bed if flowers, or hear a bird sing, or enjoy a flock of geese flying north, and marvel a their stamina and the unerring sense of direction.

          No. life is meant to enjoy, so join  us sensible people, enjoy.
And may God bless the time so well spent.
GPD 1/27/15

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