Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Shade Tree Wisdom 6/17/16

Shade Tree Wisdom 6/17/15
            This from the Gospel of John:
“I have said these things to you
That in Me  you may have peace.
In the world you will have tribulation,
But be of good cheer, I have overcome the world,”
John 16.33
            There seem to be days when nothing seems to go right. Everything we try seems to go wrong.  Everything we try ends in failure, and we weary of the frustration. No end seems to be in sight.

            That old Spiritual comes to mind:
“Nobody knows the trouble I’ve seen.
Nobody knows but Jesus,
Nobody knows the trouble I’ve seen,
Oh, yes,  Lord.”
 But troubles have an end because our Lord Jesus Himself makes us this promise, “I have overcome the world”
            So, when problems seem to multiply endlessly, remember the Lord who loves you enough that “He cares for you”.  Be like the son who goes to sleep while his father is driving home from a visit. When mom asks “weren’t you  scared?” He said, “Dad was driving.”
            “The Lord is My Shepherd. I shall not want,” declares the  Psalm, and we do walk “under the shadow of His wings.” So find your comfort there, as do I.
GPD 6/17/15


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