Monday, June 22, 2015

Shade Tree Wisdom 6/22/15

Family notes for June 22, 6/2215
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            What         fine thing it was, the parent luncheon for Father’s day. The had restricted family to two members , so Rhoda and Quinta joined me for this festive meal, and it was nicely done. They even offered entertainment, a father and daughter, she singing and he playing an electric piano. They ended up singing some old time stuff. Among that was “Beer Barrel Polka.” 
        I remember when that became popular  in the 20’s. Every night the taverns on the corner at home blared the tune endlessly, and Mom, who had the front bedroom, finally slammed the door shut because it kept her from sleeping..
        That was the summer one heard the “Beer Barrel Polka” everywhere, at the fair, walking down a street, it was endless and finally unbearable. Roll out the barrel, we’ll have a barrel of fun”
        Well, on her way back home Rhoda ran in rain, so heavy she finally pulled off the highway because she just couldn’t see because of the heavy rain. But she got home ok.
        Rhoda also sent several pictures taken at the luncheon of the three of us, grinning.
        Here, sunny and warm today. The beginning of the long summer days which we used to look forward to because school was out, Hurrah. But my mother and father used the time to teach us life lessons, about hard work, about being  dependable, about sticking to a job till it was well finished etc.
        Now then, may your day prove pleasantly full of things to do, and the satisfaction of doing them well. And May God ever bless.
Dad (That especially likable old curmudgeon)

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