Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Shade Tree Wisdom 6/30/15

Shade Tree Wisdom 6/30/15
          When the disciples asked, “Lord, teach us to ray”, Jesus included food for the body as well as the soul when he included this petition, “Give us this day our daily bread”.
          Jesus knew well the body needs sustenance to remain  live and go on being among the living.
          It’s important, yet we learn to take our daily food sort of for granted, don’t we. The table is always set and food lies there before us. An often we even grouse because we don’t like the fare offered.
          And yet, Jesus teaches us to ask for “daily Bread”, and we do well to give thanks  for it. I wonder how many remember to bow their heads in the dining hall where we now take our meals.
                             “Let each this lesson learn with care,
                             And all the household well shall fare.”

GPD 6/30/15

Monday, June 29, 2015

Shade Tree Wisdom 6/29/15

Shade Tree  Wisdom 6/29/15
          A bit of unforgettable wisdom is this:
By grace, on this I’ll rest when Dying;
In Jesus’ promise I rejoice;
For though I know my heart’s condition,
I also know my Savior’s voice.
My heart is glad, all grief has flown.
Since I am saved by grace alone!
LSB 566,6
          Strengthening, right?


Friday, June 26, 2015

Shade Tree Wisdom 6/26/15

Shade Tree Wisdom 6/26/15
        Mat the3 blessing 0 f the eternal God be upon us and our work and living this day
His light to guide us,
His presence to strengthen us,
His love to unite us,
Now and always,

GPD 6/26/15

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Shade Tree Wisdom 6/24/15

Shade Tree Wisdom 6/24/15
          What a welcome blessing it was when electricity  first  was put into our house. First the kitchen, then some of the rest of the house, and we could finally  retire the lamps that had provided light till then.
          Then to the barn and dad could finally use machines to help with the milking. What a relief.
          But the whole point is that people need light at night.
          And that is the point of this Shade Tree, to remind us of the spiritual light to guide us safely home. And God has provided that.
The Psalm says, (l19,105):
“Thy Word is a lamp unto
My feet, and a light
Unto my path”
          That verse says it all. Most of us learned it at an early age, and it really does offer light and guide for our daily walk. All we need do is pay attention to what is being offered in the bible. The best truth is that we have a savior, Jesus Christ, and “whosoever believeth in Him shall be saved.”
          It was nice to have electricity available for it made life more comfortable, but never forget this Guide first to your eternal salvation.

GPD 6/24/15

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Shade Tree Wisdom 6/23/15

Shade Tree Wisdom for 6/23/15
        He His disciples asked the Lord, Lord, teach us to pray”, our Lord included this petition, “And lead us not into temptation”.
Why, well, He knew we would be empted. Indeed, the devil “as a roaring Lion walketh about, seeking whom he may devour”, St. Peter warns us. (1 Peter 5,8)
        And we know from our experience that temptations are always there. Ready to lead us into mischief and finally despair.
        But St Paul gives us this hope:
“No temptation has overtaken you
That is not common to man. But
God is faithful, and He
Will not let you to be tempted
Beyond your ability, but
Will with the temptation also
Provide the way to escape,
that you may be able to
endure it.”
1 Cor.10,13.
        That is the reason the Lord included this petition for us, simply to remind us always to be alert, for the still constantly “active”.
Our Lord and Savior keeps us from such evil.
GPD 6/23/15

Monday, June 22, 2015

Shade Tree Wisdom 6/2/15

Shade Tree Wisdom 6/22/15
          Like most of us, Job in the Bible grumbled an d complained about affairs, things in his life he didn’t like, not even one little bit.
          In that way he is like all of us. We don’t like it when it rains on the day we planned a family outing, or when we wanted to play golf or tennis,  or we had the time and planned to cut the lawn and make  look more presentable. (What will the neighbors say?        
           So the Lord asks Job,” Dress for action like a man;
          I will question you and you make it known to me.
          Will you even put me in the wrong?
          Will you condemn me so that you may be in the right
          Have you  an arm like God,
          And can you thunder with a voice like His?”
                                      Job 40, 7-9.
          Isaiah said it, “For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My way ,declares the Lord.
For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.”  Isaiah 55, 8.9.
          This is just to remind us where we fit it.

GPD 6/22/15

Shade Tree Wisdom 6/22/15

Family notes for June 22, 6/2215
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            What         fine thing it was, the parent luncheon for Father’s day. The had restricted family to two members , so Rhoda and Quinta joined me for this festive meal, and it was nicely done. They even offered entertainment, a father and daughter, she singing and he playing an electric piano. They ended up singing some old time stuff. Among that was “Beer Barrel Polka.” 
        I remember when that became popular  in the 20’s. Every night the taverns on the corner at home blared the tune endlessly, and Mom, who had the front bedroom, finally slammed the door shut because it kept her from sleeping..
        That was the summer one heard the “Beer Barrel Polka” everywhere, at the fair, walking down a street, it was endless and finally unbearable. Roll out the barrel, we’ll have a barrel of fun”
        Well, on her way back home Rhoda ran in rain, so heavy she finally pulled off the highway because she just couldn’t see because of the heavy rain. But she got home ok.
        Rhoda also sent several pictures taken at the luncheon of the three of us, grinning.
        Here, sunny and warm today. The beginning of the long summer days which we used to look forward to because school was out, Hurrah. But my mother and father used the time to teach us life lessons, about hard work, about being  dependable, about sticking to a job till it was well finished etc.
        Now then, may your day prove pleasantly full of things to do, and the satisfaction of doing them well. And May God ever bless.
Dad (That especially likable old curmudgeon)

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Shade Tree Wisdom 6/20/15

Shade Tree Wisdom 6/19/15
        The summer solstice falls in Houston today at 1:21 p.m. because we have day light saving time. The solstice marks the time when the sun is directly overhead, and begins the change from spring to summer.
        Today is also Father’s data, a time to stop and think about the Father’s love and specially how he affected our lives, and be grateful for that.
        Indeed, this hymn is fitting
“Oh, blest the house what e’er befall,
Where Jesus Christ I all in all!
And in their children’s lives is shown
How richly God can Bless His own.”
LSB 862,1.4.
        May your home be such a blessing.
GPD 6/20/15

Friday, June 19, 2015

Shade Tree Wisdom 6/19/15

Shade Tree Wisdom  6/19/15
“Thou shalt honor thy father
And mother, that it may
Be well with thee and th0u
Mayest live long
On the earth”
        That is the fourth commandment the Lord gave us Exodus 20,12.
Sunday we celebrate Father’s day According to legend started in 1910 in Spokane, Washington, because one woman decided to honor her dad at a YMCA that day.
So Sunday is set aside for specially honoring dad. I remember during my college years when dads would drive to the campus to pick up their sons for the summer, and often, when we happened to bump into each other, how proudly we would say, “This is my dad”.
        I admit it, my parents had  strong influence on my life. They introduced me to the faith, they established work habits that have served me well, they formed and shaped me in many ways,
and I am grateful.
I hope you can say this also. Then,
“Hearken to the father that begot tee,
And despise not thy mother,
When she is old.”
Proverbs 23,22.
So, may God’s blessing rest on your celebration.
GPD 6/19/15

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Shade Tree Wisdom 6/17/16

Shade Tree Wisdom 6/17/15
            This from the Gospel of John:
“I have said these things to you
That in Me  you may have peace.
In the world you will have tribulation,
But be of good cheer, I have overcome the world,”
John 16.33
            There seem to be days when nothing seems to go right. Everything we try seems to go wrong.  Everything we try ends in failure, and we weary of the frustration. No end seems to be in sight.

            That old Spiritual comes to mind:
“Nobody knows the trouble I’ve seen.
Nobody knows but Jesus,
Nobody knows the trouble I’ve seen,
Oh, yes,  Lord.”
 But troubles have an end because our Lord Jesus Himself makes us this promise, “I have overcome the world”
            So, when problems seem to multiply endlessly, remember the Lord who loves you enough that “He cares for you”.  Be like the son who goes to sleep while his father is driving home from a visit. When mom asks “weren’t you  scared?” He said, “Dad was driving.”
            “The Lord is My Shepherd. I shall not want,” declares the  Psalm, and we do walk “under the shadow of His wings.” So find your comfort there, as do I.
GPD 6/17/15


Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Shade Tree Wisdom 6/16/15

Shade Tree Wisdom 6/16/15
          It is truly human to want to hear someone say a “well done” or “ that was a nice piece of work, or even “That idea saved the day for us all. “ We need to be appreciated for the work we do and the ideas we  contribute.
          That’s human nature,  a  gentle word of appreciation is always  order.
          We know them as encouragers, people ready with a pat on the back and speaking their encouragement for the work at hand.
          In the Bible at the beginning when the Church was born such a man was Barnabas. He not only set an example, but the Book Acts tells us  that “He sold a field that belonged to him and laid the money at the Apostle’s feet.” (Acts 4,30b).
          Just when the Church could use such help the most  Barnabas supplied it.     So he is called the encourager.
          Such people are needed. Ones always ready to with a pat on the back or with a word of encouragement.
          Makes me wonder what kind we are? Ready to help, or offer such a word to the effort?
          It really is something for us to keep in mind and consider, isn’t it? To be known as one such encourager makes one not only feel as if we are contributing, or be the a worker  others would want to have around.
          Just keep it in mind.
          YOU  the Encourager?
GPD  6/16/15


Monday, June 15, 2015

Shade Tree Wisdom 6/16/15

Shade Tree Wisdom 6/5/15
            Right this morning the media warns about a major storm that has entered the Golf and may bring much rain to this area. Right how where I am sitting it is sunny and warm, but the media is doing its job just fine.
(Excuse me a minutes. The teck just stepped in with her scale and is doing the monthly
weighing. Wow, gained a few pounds. Seem to be eating too well and exercising too little.)
            Recently the WSJ was playing with a word that caught my attention. The word is German, Schadenfreude whose usage in English dates to the 1850’s. It refers to the feeling we have when something goes awry for someone else, sort of gleeful feeling a their failure.
And the reverse is :”gluckemerz”, which was invented by a ‘Wanda Tinasky’, which is also made up.
            So the feeling described flies right in the face of the Lord’s command, “Thou shall love thy neighbor as thyself.”
            And the moral of this item is “be careful what you speak”.

GPD 6/16/15

Friday, June 12, 2015

Shade Tree Wisdom 6/12/15

Shade Tree Wisdom 6/12/15
            The Chronicle weathermen said this morning our nice days are over and to look for some rain again. Right now it is sort of cloudy bright. At least that is what my meter called it when I was taking pictures.
            So look for some wet weather because the wind flow has shifted, the wise man said and he spent time studying such stuff and ought to know,
            Be That as it may, it does not help brighten mood, does it?  We’d rather have bright days.
                                                                                                                                                                        This will help
“Before the dawning day
Let sin’s dark deeds be gone.
The sinful self now put away,
The new self now put on,.
All glory to the Son
Who comes to set us free,
With Father, Spirit, ever one,
Through all eternity.
LSB 331,5.6.
            Already the day is brighter.

GPD 6/12/15

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Shade Tree Wisdom 6/11/15

Shade tree  wisdom 6/11/15
            A few days ago I mentioned where the word ‘eureka’ originated. Now here is a perfect example of just such a ‘eureka’ moment. It involves the ball point pen          
            It begins with Lazzlo Biro of Budapest. He worked for a newspaper, and one day he happened to watch the   presses at work, noticing how machine cylinders applied ink, and wondered if he could use such a principle with ink, because heat made his fountain pen leak.
            The problem was still on his mind as he went to a coffee shop next door for his morning coffee. He sat there, drinking his coffee, and idly watched children playing with marbles. He noticed how one marble rolled through a puddle and left a trail of water in its wake.
            Here came the ‘eureka’ moment, why not use a ball for a pen to write with. He used a ball etched for ink and the pen was born. It was an instant success, and Gimbels in NY sold $100,000 worth the first day.
            A moment with history for learning something new every dy.
GPS 6/11/15


Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Shade Tree Wisdom 6/10/15

Shade Tree Wisdom 6/10/15
          Some days are quiet, given to musing  on this and that, One of these days is today for me, and a phrase came to mind.
“Seated one day at the organ,
I was weary and ill at ease.”
That describes my day, “weary and ill at ease.” Indeed. And just why did I feel this way? When it comes, I feel my Savior near, first f all. And a thought from the prophet Isaiah comes to mind, He wrote:
You have burdened me with your sins;
You have wearied me with your iniquities.
I am HE,
Who blots out your transgression for My Own sake,
And will not remember your sins.”
Isaiah 43,24b.15.
            And that leads me to the Savior, Jesus Christ, who died that I might live. St. John wrote:
                                                                                                                        ‘If anyone does sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ,
 the righteous. He  is the
propitiation for our sins,
but not for only, but also
for the sins of the whole world.”
1 John 2,2b.3
And the light shines again, the light of the Gospel truth to brighten any day.
GPD 6/10/15

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Shade Tree Wisdom 6/9/15

Shade Tree Wisdom 6/9/15
          Ever have one of those “Aha” moments when you suddenly saw the meaning of something clearly. And you might have said “Now I get it”.
That kind of thinking goes back to the fifth century.
          A political figure gave a gold smith some gold and commissioned him to craft an ornament for his wife. When the item was finished, he began to wonder whether the jeweler had used all the gold or kept some for himself. He wanted to know if he had been cheated, and he asked Euripides, a Greek Philosopher and
A mathematician, [today he would be one of those  Texas Master Math persons],
To figure out if he’d been given fair value.
          Euripides puzzled over the problem, and while he started take a bath he noticed the water rising, its weight equaled his body weight, and he said “Eureka”, translated “I have found it”.
          That’s the name of those “Aha” moments. “Eureka” . And the reason he said that was because he was Greek.
          We have moments like that quite often during our study of the Holy Bible. There are passages that long seemed hard to understand, and as we study, the moment arrives and we can say “Eureka”,  Because the Holy Spirit has opened our eyes to the truth that scripture teaches us.
          And we can but thank God for each such revelation to our blessing.
GPD 6/9/15

Friday, June 5, 2015

Shade Tree Wisdom 6/5/15

Shade Tree Wisdom 6/5/15  (at bedtime)
. . .until the shadows lengthen,
And the evening comes,
And the busy world is hushed,
And our work is done. . .then
In mercy
Grant us safe lodging,
And holy rest
And peace at the past,
In mercy Amen”
            This is my prayer or you at the end of the day.


Shade Tree Wisdom 6/5/15

Shade Tree Wisdom 6/5/15 (at bedtime)

“    .  .  .until the shadows lengthen,
And the evening comes.
And the evening comes,
And the busy world is hushed,
And our work is done. . .then
In mercy.
Grant us a safe lodging,
And peace at the last.”
            This my prayer for you at the end of the day.
GPD 6/5/15

Shade Tree Wisdom 6/5/15

Shade Tree Wisdom 6/5/15

          Here is a thought many of us pay too little attention to, and yet deep truth lies there for us.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   “why spend the day in blank despair,
In restless thought the night,
On your Creator cast your care,
He makes your burdens light.”
LSB 737,3
          Now then, when those sleepless nights come – and they surely will - why not do this, and as the Creator to solve the problem, completely, and offer fresh insights and ideas to what you have been tussling with.
GPD 6/5/15

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Shade Tree Wisdom 6/4/15

Shade Tree Wisdom 6/4/15
“Her voice was ever soft,
Gentle and low,
An excellent thing in women”
King Lear of Ophlia.
It occurred to me to wonder, how do I sound to others?
There are certain reporters on TV we enjoy, others we merely listen to because they are there? Why is this so?
Think about it. Some voices are warm, mellow and  melodious and soothing; others sound harsh, strident, and “as if you don’t know anything until I yell at you,” sort of sound.
          Jesus taught us, “Love thy neighbor as thyself,” and that, I would assume,
Would mean speaking to them in a warm, friendly fashion.
          Shakespeare had the right description, “soft, gentle, and lo, an excellent thing.”
          So strident and loud? Or gentle and low?


Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Shade Tree Wisdom 6/3/15

Shade Tree Wisdom 6/3/15
          So how do you plan your day? just do what happens to be on top of the pile, or what seems to be  most urgent, or just begin anywhere and start right in?
          Most people seem to have some sort of system. What’ yours, and is that most efficient way to get it done?
          Or have you just never given it much thought at all?
Consider doing what this hymn verse suggest, “With the Lord begin thy day”.
The first verse reads:
“With the Lord begin thy task,
Jesus will direct it.
For His aid and counsel ask,
Jesus will perfect it.
Every morning with Jesus rise,
And when day is ended,
In His name then close your eyes;
Be to Him commended.”
LSB 869,1
          It’s really quite a simple plan and needs no teaching skills to do. Just do it.
That is all there is to my offered plan, but I assure you there is blessing there, and the consequences are rich and long lasting. Just do it.

GPD 6/3/15

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Shade Tree Wisdom 6/2/15

Shade Tree Wisdom 6/2/15
          For many Christians one of their favorite passages come from the Gospel of John, chapter 14. It reads:
“Let not your hearts be troubled.
Believe in God, believe also in Me. In
In My Fathers house are many rooms.
If it were not so,   would I have Told you
That I go to prepare a place for you? And if I
Go and prepare a place or you, I will
Come again and receive you unto myself, that where I am,
You may be also.”
John 14, 1-3.
          That was a favorite for reading and commenting a few words at graveside committal services.  There is such a promise or a grieving heart.
            [An aside, recently there was a news item about a recent funeral. The Husband was at work when  friend called and told him he had seen the casket of his recently buried wife floating by. Unbelieving, he left his place of work and drove many miles to check the statement and it was true, he recognized the casket of his recently buried wife. Now the funeral home, the cemetery officials and the public authorities are busy trying to untangle what happened, because the casket had been in  cement vault. I suppose the final explanation will be simple.]
          But back to Jesus promise in the verses from St. John 14. What  glorious promise to bring to a grieving soul. For that soul,  a believer in Jesus, knows Jesus makes no promise He doesn’t, and come away rom the graveside knowin this I not the end jut the beginning if a new life.
          Think on this.

GPD 6/2/15