Friday, July 10, 2015

Shade Tree Wisdom 7/10/15

Shade Tree Wisdom 7/10/15
          In his letter to the Church at Galatia St. Paul takes time to warn them about “any other Gospel”. He wants to make sure they are being taught the Truth. So he writes to them:
“But even if we are an angel
Should preach to you a Gospel
 Contrary to the one that we preached
To you, let him be accursed.”
Galatians 1,8.
          Those are very strong words because St. Paul Just wants to make very sure what they are hearing is the Truth.
Because “My Word is truth”.
Indeed, it falls to us to search the Scripture daily, whether they be truth.  just to be sure we have and the keep God’s word in mind and heart, to bolster and strengthen our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
The warning is meant for us, my friends.
GPD 7/10/15


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